Home with Hope

Home with Hope

Home With Hope is the only program of its kind in the Lafayette area that provides a continuum of care, often following primary treatment for addictions recovery, for men and women age 18 and older. We help our patients learn how to live their lives free from addiction and substance use and re-enter their communities, by providing an environment conducive to long-term recovery. Home With Hope includes two residential homes for men and women.

We provide:

  • Consistent monitoring
  • Structured living environment
  • Case management
  • Group and individual counseling
  • Recovery coaching
  • Random drug and alcohol screening
  • Opportunity to seek employment and work in the community

Further, we require:

  • Daily 12-step meeting attendance
  • Acquiring a 12-step sponsor and “home group” within their first 30 days of residency
  • Daily accountability

Recovery is a continual, lifelong and ongoing process requiring personal determination and support from family, friends, and the community. Home With Hope offers a safe and structured environment for patients to start this journey toward recovery.

Men’s Recovery Home

The Brighthouse—Our 25-bed highly structured recovery home for men. Services and programming are provided, along with room and meals. Residents are responsible for their own meals. On-site coin-operated and/or phone app-based laundry facilities are provided.

This facility is on a main bus route and within walking distance of downtown, the public library, temporary employment agencies, and many other services.

Women’s Recovery Home

Hope Apartments serve as the entry point for women into the recovery program. Hope Apartments provide 44 beds, with two units that can house a women and up to three children under the age of 6, and two-bedroom units with four women per furnished apartment.

Paper products and cleaning supplies are provided for each apartment, but clients must furnish and prepare their own meals.

On-site coin-operated and phone app-based laundry facilities are provided. The apartments are on a main bus route and are located about six blocks from our other facilities. Structure and accountability are stressed and all services and programming are provided.

Maternal Treatment Program

In addition to the above programs, we also offer a specialized program for pregnant women or those with newborns. Meridian’s Maternal Treatment Program (MTP) is an outpatient treatment program providing care andMeridian Addictions & Recovery support to mothers struggling with substance use and their newborn babies—helping prevent NICU stays for newborns due to addiction withdrawal. The program’s services are designed to use “whole-person” health methods to prevent, educate, treat and provide community support for its patients. This helps change the lifestyles of mothers in crisis, which in turn improves the outcomes for children born into addiction.

If you or someone you know is in need of help and could benefit from Home With Hope men’s or women’s recovery programs, please contact us at 765-807-0009

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