MeridianMD—Internal Medicine in Bluffton is for adults with multisystem disease conditions in need of medical care, treatment of chronic medical conditions, illness visits, and wellness assessments. Meridian focuses on “whole-person” health with the integration of the body and the mind. Our physicians and practitioners work together to provide exceptional care.
Internal medicine services include:
- Routine medical care
- Treatment of chronic medical conditions
- Illness visits
- Diabetes screening and disease management
Wellness assessments include:
- Healthy diet and weight management
- Cholesterol screening and management
- Depression screening, education and referral
- ADHD screening, education and referral
- Development assessment and referral
- Sleep assessment and education
- Oral health screening and referral
Meridian accepts most insurances including Medicaid and Medicare, we also offer a sliding fee scale to those who qualify.
To schedule your appointment today call 866-306-2647 or click below!