Each individual served by Meridian Health Services, has the following unconditional rights:
- To be treated humanely and with respect by all employees
- To be informed of various steps and activities involved with receiving services
- To be treated with confidentiality relating to receipt of services, except as required by law
- To be provided information concerning the reasonably foreseeable risks and relative benefits of any proposed treatment and any alternative treatments in order to make an informed decision regarding whether to accept or refuse these services
- To participate in the development of an individualized treatment plan and to receive regular and periodic review of care or
- treatment plan
- To receive information about the training and credentials of each care provider
- To receive humane care and protection from harm, abuse and neglect
- To be informed of the administrative channels for dealing with dissatisfaction and/or voicing complaints and the procedures for requesting a second opinion or internal review of the treatment offerings
- To practice your religion
- To be informed of the reasons for any proposed change in primary counselor or change in the plan of care
- To inspect and copy the medical/clinical records that are maintained
- To receive a copy of the Notice of Privacy Practices
All individuals served by Meridian Health Services have responsibilities to be fulfilled:
- To provide accurate and complete information about matters that are relevant to care
- To keep scheduled appointments or provide appropriate notice of cancellation (24 hours)
- To cooperate with the recommended and agreed upon treatment plan, including using prescribed medications, and report factors that would prevent following the treatment plan
- To respect the rights of others to privacy and confidentiality concerning their involvement with Meridian Services
- To promptly pay agreed upon fees for services and comply with any other financial agreements
Meridian Health Services’ desire is to deliver care and conduct business operations in an ethical framework. We have a structured process that responds to complaints and grievances by clients and family members. Our counselors or counselor supervisors can assist with complaints.
Provider Choice
Each individual served by Meridian Health Services has the right to request an alternative clinical provider at any time. Requests for a change of providers can be made with your clinician or a clinical supervisor who will provide the appropriate form and directions for completing such a request.
If at any time an individual has a question or concern about any aspect about of care at Meridian Health Services, he/she is welcome to ask the counselor, nurse, physician, or any member of our support staff.