Meridian helps individuals with disabilities increase economic independence, while also assisting local employers in building their employee teams with qualified and motivated workers. Supported Employment is committed to helping individuals shift from a dependence on state and federal assistance to a more independent and socially integrated job market.
The goal of the Supported Employment program is to facilitate equal employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities through education, advocacy and empowerment. To develop a successful experience at the workplace, the program serves both the employer looking for a dependable employee and the individual seeking employment.
Services through Supported Employment include job readiness, job coaching and job retention. Individuals may participate in all, or some of these services, since the program is designed to fit each individual’s particular needs.
Professional consultation services are offered to employers who have discovered that an employee assistance program is an ideal way to identify and assist their employees while improving performance and the company’s bottom line. Plans can be tailored to meet the needs of the company.
The employment Specialist supports clients during the job search and training process, working to assess employment strengths and help identify the best job opportunities. Once the job begins, the individual will learn new skills with the help of the employment specialist. As the job responsibilities become easier, the individual client will decide when it is time to work independently.